boqueria | Boqueria Restaurant - Part 6


Cojonudo - Quail's eggs and chorizo on toast

Chorizo and Fried Quail Eggs on Toasts

Legend has it that the king of Spain once ate this stack of chorizo and fried egg on toast and declared it “cojonudo” (that’s slang for “F%!@&ing Good”). Whether or not that story of this iconic montado from Castile y León is true, it’s undeniable that the dish is “cojonudo.”

Spicy chorizo juices and runny egg yolk soak into toast when your teeth sink into this canapé; it’s the perfect bite and we’re not messing with it.

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Grilled Ribeye

Our Spiced Butter drizzled over this steak is outstanding. Clarified, so it’s pure savory fat without the sweet cream of dairy, the hot butter sizzles the just-right balance of sweet paprika to hot smoky pimentón. It’s a super-easy five-ingredient finish that takes the Spanish Basque classic of grilled ribeye over the top.

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Melon con Jamon on a white plate: Melon with Iberian Ham and Fresh Herbs

Melon with Iberian Ham and Fresh Herbs

A classic combination of cured ham and melon is taken to the next-level in this voluptuous dish, pairing nutty, melt-in-your-mouth Jamón Ibérico with ripe cantaloupe and a fresh lemon herb salad. The combination brings out new flavors in each of its components for a palate-pleasing summer masterpiece that gets guests talking.

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